Cobra Lily: a Review of Southwest Oregon Literature and Art
Note: With the passing of Cobra Lily co-editor Michael Spring, the journal is on hiatus. Check back in 4-6 months for information on whether we will continue with publication. Thank you.
The What and Where
Cobra Lily is a review of art and literature, focusing on the cultural and natural environs of Southwest Oregon. We seek to promote voices from the region, as well as voices outside the area which speak to the natural rhythms and experience of life here. Issues can be purchased from our store.
The When
For our first year, we published 4 four quarterly online issues, with a print annual collecting all four issues. Since then we have continued to publish an annual print edition. (Online content is limited, a side effect of the publisher lacking electricity and therefore wi-fi.) Additionally, Cobra Lily hopes to publish the occasional odd anthology, such as a collection of the best art by kids from Southwest Oregon.
The Why
Why Cobra Lily? The carnivorous pitcher plant exists most abundantly here in Southwest Oregon. This native plant has distinctively adapted to thrive in our region. We draw inspiration from this plant because we dare to be as unique, publishing the diverse writers and artists of Southwest Oregon’s extraordinary landscape and culture.
The Who
Cobra Lily is edited by Ryan Forsythe and Michael Spring, two local writers who wish to celebrate both the region and the people who, like us, seek to document its marvels and mysteries.
The How (To Submit)
Thank you for your interest in Cobra Lily!
We publish an annual print edition. Send us your fiction, poetry, memoir, essays, regional history, interviews with interesting locals, photography, paintings, and more (i.e. don’t feel you need to limit yourself to these genre categories/suggestions). But work should focus on the nature and culture of Southwest Oregon. Or at least be the work of people who live in and love our region.
Submissions are open each year from January through May.
Work can be emailed to us at cobralilyreview (a) We strongly prefer work be emailed; however, if you must submit a hard copy, please contact us at this email for an up-to-date mailing address and remember to include a SASE with sufficient postage if you’d like your work returned (or let us know if you don’t want it back).
We will consider previously published material, but please notify where/when it was published previously and make sure you have the rights to republish.
Also, please note that we are a journal focused on the culture and nature of Southwest Oregon, so in your email/letter, we’d appreciate if you could share the connection to the region of your work and/or yourself. (Even if your work was just formed while passing through the area, we’d still love to see it.)
At this point (and possibly for every point going forward), we are unable to pay for work. Please don’t take this as a commentary on the value of your work. However, we pay 1 print copy for each contributor (2 copies if your artwork is chosen for the cover).
Simultaneous submissions are encouraged (you have to get your stuff out there), but please let us know immediately if someone else accepts your work and you need to withdraw the work (and then accept our congratulations).