Poet, Martial Artist, Co-Editor, Friend
Michael Spring
It is with heavy heart that we share the devastating news that Michael Spring, our Flowstone Press Editor-in-Chief, passed away October 30.
our next release
Approaching Pianowood Harbor
``These poems of Michael Spring are filled with abundant care. He deepens the process of finding alchemy in nature, aligned with both wilderness and wildness.``
Our latest release
Muscle Tree
``...Parchim moves us from celebration to elegy with a startling depth of knowledge—and a love for what we’re losing and what we still have.``
Recent release
Heritage & Other Pseudonyms
``...a seamless sense of timelessness that somehow also feels vividly urgent -- a kind of intangible magic that is always a pleasure to experience on the page``
Recent release
Elijah Davidson and the Oregon Caves
It’s near impossible to visit Oregon Caves National Monument and come away not knowing the name of Elijah Davidson, whose story is an integral part of the Caves tour experience. The fears he faced and his the sense of adventure—exploring the darkness with but a few matches—fascinate so many people and connect them to this remote underground realm. But who really was the man who uncovered the cave?
Recent release
Three Chapbooks / Three Poets
``Each of these diverse, superbly-crafted chapbooks brim with intimacy...``
Curious about who we publish?
Recent release
Pulse and Weave
``Nakazawa’s poems are inhabited by the spirit of the best haiku in their sparse diction and exacting thought.`` — Andrea Hollander, Author of Blue Mistaken for Sky
Recent release
What Color is Your Privilege?
``Serving a truth serum for hate and hypocrisy, F.I. Goldhaber is writing with a hammer and speaking with a tongue of fire.`` — John Warner Smith, Louisiana State Poet Laureate 2019-2021
Recent release
What if your mother
``In What if your mother, Judith Arcana looks anew at the abortion debate. Prepare yourself for wide angles, hidden turns, unexpected voices and loving compassion.`` — Evelyn C. White