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Goldilocks and the Three BARs (Beyond Available Resources)

December 3, 2014


In this updated version of the tale of the Three Bears, Goldilocks comes to Josephine County, Oregon. But will anyone help when the Three Bears call the Sheriff to report Goldilocks’ acts of trespassing, robbery, and vandalism?

Illustrated by Rory Forsythe-Elder

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Ryan Forsythe

Ryan Forsythe is the publisher of Left Fork. Originally from the suburbs of NE OH, when not traveling, he now lives off-grid in the woods of SW OR. He is a writer, editor, teacher, artist, and dad, with an MFA in Creative Writing from San Diego State University. For four years he and wife Kaci ran a hostel in Redwood National Park. You can learn more at RyanForsythe.com.