Woohoo for Woodwoo!
Woo Hoo! Woodwoo, by Michael Spring with illustrations by Deborah Ann Dawson has received a Red Ribbon award in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards! These awards are pretty special because of the way they are judged. Instead of a panel of academics or what have you, well…we’ll let them describe the process:
“For the children’s books, we have chosen six primary and secondary schools in the UK, mostly in London, to do the initial judging. The children, with the help of their teachers, will be assessing the books and deciding on the the finalists in each category based simply on: which book(s) did they enjoy the most and why.”
Yes, based on actual kids reading the book, Woodwoo is a winner–Congratulations Michael and Deborah! (See the website for the full list of winners.)