CAROL DURAK lived in various parts of the country before settling in Maine, where, in addition to writing, she made a living in book restoration and conservation. Leaving the East Coast in 2019, she spent three years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where most of the poems in this chapbook were written. Her poems have appeared in Antioch Review, Cimarron Review, Laurel Review, New Letters, Shenandoah, and other journals. She lives in New Mexico.
CAROL DURAK lived in various parts of the country before settling in Maine, where, in addition to writing, she made a living in book restoration and conservation. Leaving the East Coast in 2019, she spent three years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where most of the poems in this chapbook were written. Her poems have appeared in Antioch Review, Cimarron Review, Laurel Review, New Letters, Shenandoah, and other journals. She lives in New Mexico.