Left Fork Books & Flowstone Press

Coming soon: “Hello. This is Jane.”

Today Left Fork is excited and proud to announce our next book, Hello. This is Jane. by writer/activist Judith Arcana. This is a collection of linked short stories inspired by Judith’s experiences as a Jane–the underground abortion service that helped Chicago women get abortions prior to Roe.

Interwoven with the central theme of reproductive health and justice, tattoos & tattooing appear in these stories, another instance of choice about how we live in our bodies. Left Fork is thankful to Don Deaton of Sea Tramp Tattoo (Oregon’s longest-running tattoo shop), for the use of the cover rose design. (And yes, temporary tattoos of the design will be available at Judith’s readings.)

By the way, we share this post on the anniversary of one big moment in history–it’s been 47 years since the Supreme Court’s Roe decision–but the book will be released on the anniversary of another big moment: It was May 3, 1972 when Judith was arrested, along with six other Janes. She was later indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit abortion. [Read much more about the Janes and Judith’s experience in a Portland Monthly article here.]

Please look for “Hello. This is Jane.” on May 3, 2020. Thanks!